Frequently-Asked Questions

Why should we submit a setup form? We already have access (if the service is provided through the state library)

This is a great question! Simply stated, submitting a form enables the district/school/library to take full advantage of this remarkable collection of instructional resources. Completing the form allows for easier access for all teachers, students, their families, and patrons. A completed form enables us to better support your integration and implementation in your Single Sign On (SSO) and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Your email domain(s) enables us to authenticate students and you without sharing their personal identifiable information. It also gives educators and librarians the ability to create, save, and share custom reading lists and other resources from our website. Lastly, the form allows our training and support team to connect with the appropriate library/literacy contacts so we can provide customized training and ongoing support (without any fees or charges) so that educators, librarians, and students can get the most out of TeachingBooks or Book Connections.

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